
“No self-improvement projects allowed,

only self-acceptance projects happen here.”

I often joke with my clients about this invisible sign hanging on my door.

Occasionally, some laugh immediately, but others are bewildered and slightly frustrated.

“What do you mean, Rain? I came here to fix something… to get better… to be better?”

As I point to that invisible sign, I’m also pointing to one of the great paradoxes of emotional healing.

Self-acceptance is the doorway to the change you seek.

Compassion for where you are brings you to where you want to be.

During your time in therapy with me, I’ll offer the heart-centered awareness and the genuine curiosity that makes self-acceptance and compassion possible.

Together, we’ll slow down and explore your experience and the stories you tell yourself about your experience.

You’ll begin to notice more of the places where you’re hard on yourself, and as you do, they’ll slowly start to fall away.

The good news…

As you learn to slow down and notice your inner-life with less judgment, the deeper your understanding of yourself will become.

Your needs and longings will come into sharper focus, and your relationship to your “problems” will shift. The solutions will become clearer, because they will arise from the knowing place within.


“The greatest and most important problems of life are all in a certain sense insoluble… They can never be solved, but only outgrown… This ‘outgrowing’…was seen to consist in a new level of consciousness. Some higher or wider interest arose on the person’s horizon, and through this widening of view, the insoluble problem lost its urgency. It was not solved logically in its own terms, but faded out when confronted with a new and stronger life-tendency.”

– Carl Jung

About Me

I’m passionate about helping you learn to listen to your inner knowing so that you can live your best life – a life of joy, meaning, and fulfillment.

My own inner knowing is what brought me to my path as a therapist – it’s been a lifelong calling to help people free themselves of limiting beliefs, especially those born out of childhood trauma.

I’m licensed as a Licensed Professions Counselor-MHSP in the state of Tennessee with a Master’s Degree in Human Development Counseling from Vanderbilt University where I learned to see human beings as dynamic and growth-oriented.

I also trained at Osher’s Center for Integrative Medicine where I saw first hand that an integrative approach emphasizing Mind, Body, and Spirit is the surest path to a more joyful life.

Additionally, I’ve completed additional trainings in Emotionally Focused Therapy, an evidence-based couple’s therapy developed by Sue Johnson, and extensive trainings in trauma treatment using body-based approaches including breathwork techniques.

My approach to therapy is integrative, combining formal training, lived experience, and my personal interest in a wide range of healing modalities, including yoga, Peruvian shamanism, and transpersonal psychology.