

Being human is hard.

And because it’s hard, we sometimes hide parts of ourselves away from those we love and care about, from the people we work and play with, and even sometimes ourselves. Breathwork can help you rediscover and reclaim those lost parts bringing you greater freedom and joy as you navigate life.

Breathwork is a practice, not unlike yoga or meditation, and the more you practice the greater the benefit.

It’s a process, an exploration that can help resolve past traumas and restore your sense of spiritual connection and belonging.

It’s a conversation, a conversation with your body – the seat of your direct experience.

Your body is your first and primary interface with the world.

Getting back in your body and out of your head is a cornerstone of emotional healing, especially for those who have experienced trauma early in life.

The practice of breathwork is relatively simple.

We’ll begin with a check-in to see what’s most up for you that day. Then you’ll lie down, and I’ll guide you through a series of mindful breathing techniques with music playing in the background.

You’re “job” during the session is simply to pay attention and notice whatever you are experiencing with a gentle focus to the sensations and signals arising from your body.

I’ll be there to support and assist you as your explore your inner terrain.

I invite you now to stop, take a deep breath, and check in with in your body.

Notice your response. You may find yourself intrigued, anxious, or perhaps excited.

Whatever the case is for you, breathwork just might be your road home to your authentic self.

Transformation awaits. Call me today at (615) 587-1138.