Where are you located?

209 24th Ave N.NashvilleTN 37203

Is therapy for me?

My hunch is, YES! The curiosity that you’re bringing as you read this page is the same curiosity that will catalyze your healing.

And, while I am certainly biased, I believe nearly everyone can benefit from therapy at one time or another: leading an examined life will almost inevitably bring you towards greater freedom, joy, and self-compassion.

What can I expect when I come in the first time?

When you enter my building, there will be a waiting area with a brown leather couch, desk, and side chairs. Please take a seat, and I will come greet you at our appointment time.

We’ll head back to my office where there will be (surprise!) another brown couch, and we’ll start with introductions. I’ll share with you the details of my practice and your rights to privacy, and then we’ll open up the discussion so that you can share with me why you came and what you hope to get out of our time together.

At the end of this initial conversation, I’ll send you home with paperwork to bring back to our next meeting.

What is therapy with you like?

Therapy with me is conversational, deep, and infused with humor. I believe that your inner-healer is guiding the process, so I trust that what you bring to therapy on any given day is what needs support.

I encourage you to develop a more mindful awareness of your present moment experience and feeling-self, because I believe your feelings, when worked with skillfully, can serve as guides to greater self-awareness, better boundaries, and deeper connection with yourself and those you love.

I ask questions. I also encourage you to notice your embodied response to our conversations. Sometimes, I’ll share a poem or a story to help you understand your experience in a new light.

Over and over again my clients share that, even having been in therapy before, they share more of themselves and their story with me. As such, many are able to progress in areas where they’ve long felt stuck. I’m known for emanating a quality of warmth and compassion that makes people feel safe, and it’s that safety that supports healing and transformation.

Who do you work with?

I work with adults and couples who are committed to personal growth and discovery.

I value diversity in the world, and I’m grateful that my clients are from diverse backgrounds, ethnicities, races, sexual orientations, and identities. I consider it a great privilege and honor to get to walk path of healing with you, and it is my goal to support your growth so that you can be your most authentic, dynamic and passionate self.